The TravelIng Toddler
GAP Spanish Tutoring Course
Please Note: Price Does Not Include Books or Supplies
Service Description
Bridging the Spanish GAP (Go, Advance, & Propel) is a uniquely designed summer program to get your child ready for the next grade level. Children, Pre-K through 5th grade, are welcome to attend. Sessions are two hours long and the price is $399 for four (4) sessions. This program was created to keep children from struggling academically or helping those who wish to jump ahead! During the two-hour sessions your child will interact one-on-one with one of our professional tutors. The course is interactive, hands-on, and personalized to fit the needs of your child. We look forward to helping your child Go Forward! Advance in Skills! and Propel to the Next Grade! ***Please Note: Price Does Not Include Books or Supplies. Also, every student must have a tablet or smart device for the Spanish lesson app. Course will teach: • Basic Greetings • Basic Phrases • Colors & Numbers • Months of the Year & Days of the Week • And More...

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